Website Publisher

The website is published by the company TECNOMA, a simplified joint-stock company with a single partner, with a share capital of two million fifty-five thousand euros (€2,055,000.00), registered in the REIMS Trade and Companies Register under number 853321420, and whose registered office is located at 54 rue Marcel Paul, 51200 EPERNAY.

Phone number: +33 (3) 26 51 99 99

Contact email:

VAT number: FR 24 853 321 420


The website is hosted by the simplified joint-stock company GANDI, whose registered office is located at: 63/65, 63 BOULEVARD MASSENA, 75013 PARIS.

Gandi SAS

63, 65 Boulevard Massena
75013 Paris
Tel: +33 1 70 37 76 61


Publishing director: Bertrand GARNIER

The simplified joint-stock company TECNOMA reserves the right to modify and update the above legal notices at any time and without prior notice.

We therefore invite you to consult them regularly.


Design and development: template XTRA and Aurélien CHALAYE